Archive | July, 2012

Loving what we do :D

13 Jul

At Brandwidth we understand your needs. We believe in the Modern Marketing theory “Customer is King”.  Your Wish is our Command. We help you establish and grow. We help you get the winning edge.

For us work is fun! We love what we do and we do best when we are happy. Our clients are always our favorite people. At present our major clients include ; Amethyst, World Crafts Council, Aaishwaryam and Chennai Cheetahs. We manage their Facebook page and update all their recent happenings.

Approximately 50 percent of the Mobile Internet traffic is for Facebook. Each day, 60 million ‘status updates’ take place on this very site.  There are so many conversations happening about your brand. We help you become a part of it.

Mail us and we will tell you how we can help you grow your business:)